I am so pleased to be able to share this remarkable story with you, the miraculous testimony of a 40-DAY visitation to HEAVEN!

The Centenary Edition of this story, edited by Edward Johnson, was renamed 40 Days in Heaven. It was originally published C. 1909 under the title, “Visitation to Paradise, The Holy City, and Glory of God’s Throne.”
When Seneca Sodi found himself in the company of glorious beings, angels who were charged with bringing him to his heavenly reward, he had no idea that there was yet a special blessing in store for this faithful follower of the Lord Jesus.
After giving his house servants unusual instructions not to allow his body to be touched for a time, he was taken in a chariot, ablaze in fiery glory, to land at the shores of his eternal home, Heaven itself.
What follows is a kind of walking tour of paradise, in through the heavenly gates, spending time visiting saints from all walks of life in the gardens, homes and celestial pleasure grounds made by the Lord himself for the satisfaction and enjoyment of his faithful Bride.
After meeting many hundreds of friends and relatives, especially his daughter who died as an infant and his wife and mother, who both preceded him to their heavenly reward, Seneca is allowed to talk with dozens of saints from the Bible itself. Whether it was being welcomed into his bosom by Abraham himself, or discussing theology with Paul and Moses, or being accompanied by King David to tour the outer reaches of Paradise, or reflect on the vastness of our reward with Daniel, by the time the Lord gave Seneca his one last mission, we have seen but a short glimpse of the heavenly society that awaits all faithful believers. What was his last task, you ask? Simply to return to earth long enough to convey his testimony to a faithful scribe and then depart for good from the earth realm until the End time of the resurrection!
This 100 year old story will fill you with such hope and refreshing, convincing you that your struggles, toils and afflictions are but light burdens compared to the vast glory of our heavenly reward.
I, Edward Johnson, was given a charge by the Lord, to republish this testimony and present it to a modern audience. All manner of obstacles and hindrances have not been able to stop us from carrying on with this task. The story in a modern edited format, and re-named 40 Days in Heaven, is available to read for free on this site. You can purchase a copy of 40 Days in Heaven at Amazon or Kindle, and all proceeds go to support our ongoing mission work in the Philippines. And if you would like to download a pdf for personal use, it is here in book page size format. 40 Days In Heaven free pdf download
–Edward Johnson
Editor, Centennial Edition
Licensing: We retain the copyright of this edit and title, and carry not only the costs but spiritual task to protect and share this testimony that the enemy wants to stop! If you would like to produce copies and sell them to your local community, this is a good idea, please keep your sale price low, printing quality high, and we request but do not require that you share a small royalty with us on sales, such as $1 per copy or something reasonable, which like I said goes to help support our on-going missions work. We certainly do not want to impede this story from reaching a wider audience, because it imparts so much hope and strength to encourage people to endure to the end, but if it is being sold, do keep in mind, the laborers are worthy of their wages, as the Lord has also said.
Join the Discussion!
If this story has touched you or if you have questions about what is revealed in the story, post a comment and join the discussion! Questions are moderated and may be edited for clarity, since there will always be unreasonable scoffers and doubters, but many times they may nevertheless express legitimate questions that deserve an honest answer, and may make for an interesting discussion on the Heavenly realm! In a land that is so very different from the Earth where the streets are gold, you can walk on water, no one ever dies, you can communicate by thought, and can walk, ride, fly or just be ‘translated’ to a far away destination, many good questions are bound to arise! I look forward to hearing your questions and comments and I really hope and pray this story blesses you and gives you peace and joy to trust God no matter what hardships come our way while we live out the remainder of our time in this fallen realm. Amen!
You can download a free pdf here: 40 Days In Heaven free pdf download … But what is easier to read and makes a better gift is to purchase a copy of 40 Days in Heaven at Amazon
Let’s Begin the Story … Foreword Centenary Edition, and Introduction 1909 Edition